Sunday, December 7, 2014

So, in the wee hours of December 2nd, 2014, I woke out of a dead sleep. Of coarse now that I'm up the dog has to get up, so I fumble for the light and grope my way toward the door and let her out. Back in bed, can't sleep, so I fire up a video game on the cell phone. The phone stats vibrating, then the display shows the number of the long term Skilled nursing facility my wife is at. Figured this can't be good. "Hello?", is this Mr. Cook?, "yes", "Your wife is in code blue right now, if she recovers she will be transferred to ICU". "OK, I'm over an hour away, will you call me back?" "Yes". Probably ten minutes goes by, phone rings again. "Mr. Cook?", "yes", "Your wife has expired". "Where would you like the remains to be transferred to?". " Look Mam, you just told me that my wife died, it's 4:30 in the morning, and I live 60 miles from there, and you are asking me to pick a Mortuary?, can you help me out here?" Sixteen years of life poured into a marriage, and they tell you expired. They're cold calloused, and have no thought for human life. It is just a job to them, and your loved one is only as good as the insurance they carry.